I Thought I Knew Jesus
The years rolled on. I was a wife, mother and grandmother. I did't know that I didn't know Jesus. I had said the "sinner's prayer many many times as a child and young adult. I went to most of the holiday and special occassion services held at the local churches. I didn't know that I didn't know Jesus. I called "Oh Lord," often enough, when something went wrong. I always wondered why God had let somethings happen. I didn't know that I was far from God. I was immensely blessed along my way. I was usually nice to people and would willingly and immediately share whatever I had. Thinking back, I was blessed much more than I knew. God was watching over me. I know that now. I did not know that for all those years.
In my mid-twenties I met a foe I could not conquer. His name was "nicotine addiction." We battled many years, he and I. He won again and again. I was resigned to the place of hopelessness, where cigarettes were concerned. I would strike up and not know when I lit up. Nor when I lit the third cigarette. I didn't want to smoke any more. I quit trying to quit.
One morning, as I sat smoking in my livingroom, Jesus came to visit. I saw Him as plainly as I see my grandchildren.
I knew who He was. He did not have to introduce Himself. After a time, He spoke. He said, "Wilt thou quit smoking?" I thought about the question. I thought about the word "wilt."
I never took my eyes off Jesus.
Then I collected myself and said "I will."
Since that day, I have never desired nor had a taste for a cigarette. I was totally and completely delivered from nicotine.
That was years ago. That was the Beginning of my walk with Jesus. Oh yes, I was sure I was saved as a girl. But, I didn't walk according to the will of God. Now I feast on God's WORD. I love his ways. I pray daily that His will and ways are mine. I have grown to love Him so. He has loved me all along. I pray to know Him better tomorrow than I do today.
Do you know Jesus?
And He made from one, every nation of mankind
to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation, That they should seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, even though He is not far from each one of us; Acts 17:26-27 NASB
"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24